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Tag: President

Ex-President John Mahama is Wicked, I Regret Campaigning For Him – Akua Donkor

The Founder of the Ghana Freedom Party’s (GFP), Akua Donkor says she regrets and feels ashamed spending her energy and resources over the years to campaign and defend for ex-President Mahama whom she describes as ‘wicked’. Madam Akua Donkor who until now, had always referred...

Ghana Election 2020: A battle of records will decide if NPP or NDC? – ‘Nana Addo, Toaso’ (continue) and ‘JM, Sanbra’ (come back)

According to GhanaSky.com analyst through Columnist Rodney's Potpourri, Ghana's economy, education, health, employment, security and a host of other indicators will determine Ghana election 2020. Therefore, the citizens of Ghana, must demand from NPP or NDC what they did during their four-year tenure. So, that would help...

South African Government Begins Seizing Land from White Farmers

South African Government Begins Seizing Land from White Farmers as part of a nation-wide redistribution effort. President Cyril Ramaphosa has just begun the process of seizing land from his own citizens, without compensation, purely due to their skin color. That's far more racist than anything...